Saturday, January 23, 2010

Stepping In

My sister-in-law and I were comparing notes about the things we do at church. We're both old hands at church life, and in addition to being involved in official ways --- serving on committees, singing in the choir, holding office, and the like --- we also find ourselves stepping in when we see things that need to be done that no one else is doing: watering flowers, washing choir robes, dusting pews, putting fresh water in the baptismal font, turning on the coffee maker.

I've been thinking about this, and wonder if we see the things that are amiss because we've been keeping house for a long time, no longer have kids to distract us, and are still physically able. Is this a phenomenon that happens to women of a certain age? (To be fair, there are men that take care of small repairs around the church, change light bulbs, carry out trash, mow the lawn, and the like.)

However, I'm getting tired of doing these things and am beginning to realize that feeling put-upon is a consequence of competence. If I continue to take care of these little tasks, and do them easily and well, no one else will bother to pitch-in. A good example are the potted poinsettias people donate at Christmas to decorate the church. They require almost daily maintenance --- too much water and they rot, too little water and they droop, and even with just the right amount of water, they continually drop leaves and bracts. In the past, I've made a special trip to church once or twice during the week to take care of these exacting plants. This year I ignored them and several people murmurred, "What happened to the poinsettias?" In the next Worship Committee Meeting, I'll suggest that if we want to have flowers, someone needs to be in charge of them.

When I was younger, I wondered why some of the older women who didn't work, didn't have kids at home, and were still active didn't volunteer for jobs at church. Now I know; they're tired of stepping in and they're leaving it someone else. Now I, too, am ready to retire from stepping in.

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Stepping Stones

Each morning, while making toast, I brush all the crumbs off the counter, but I know they'll soon reappear. The first sip of tea tastes so good, that I drink more. It's good, too, but not as good as the first sip. After eating breakfast, I rearrange my book and the other things that lay on the table, so they're straight, but I know they won't stay that way.

In these very small ways I create islands of order and peace in my day. I think of them as stepping stones, places to set my foot securely for a moment as I am propelled though a day of deadlines, lists, bumping against the needs of other people.

Maybe this is what Jesus meant when he said, "Peace, be still" in the middle of that storm on the Sea of Gallilee. Our lives will never be as peaceful as we think we want them to be --- if they were, I suspect we'd be bored. It's enough to be aware that we can pause for an instant on a stepping stone.